The Pilot Light was fucking packed from front to back with a shit load of people I've never seen before (shocker), plus there was some lady there as soon as I walked in, raising all kinds of hell about how one of these sweaty kids had touched her or something, I don't know all the details but it seemed like it was this one middle aged drunk lady vs. the entire city of Knoxville male youth (honestly she probably could have whipped all their asses).
As quickly as it started the old lady was rescued by her beau and they left and Lighting Bolt started.
My friend Katie said the whole place smelled like a bunch of sweaty dicks..... one thing we both agreed on was that whole scene was very tribal, everything in the room was in unison with the drums, all the kids moving back and forth looked like a gigantic lung gasping for breath.
All and all an awesome night as expected. Hopefully, I'll get to see some more shows at the Pilot Light this summer, they book a lot of the shows I'm often interested in seeing. As for you guys, if Lightning Bolt is coming to your town this Summer, get off your lazy asses, beat the heat with a few beers, and see an exciting show.

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